Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Little Puppy

So Ryan and I decided to take Peter on a practice run of trick-or-treating (because it is just so hard asking for free candy!) on Thursday night. We dressed him up in his costume (as an adorable and smell-free puppy) and took him to see his grandparents. Our first stop was Oma's (my Grandma P). She gave Peter a cute book and an adorable little bear dressed in a pumpkin costume that giggles and says, "Happy Halloween". While it definitely has not replaced Big Walter, Peter keeps nuzzling it. I'm hoping his first words aren't "Happy Halloween."Next we went to see Ryan's parents (Grandma & Grandpa T). Five of Peter's cousins were there meaning he recieved plenty of attention. We then wrapped up the night by visting my parents (Grandma & Grandap P) and my brother Kyle and his wife Renae. Unfortunately, Peter arrived in his pajamas with his costume in a grocery bag (he decided to pick fights with a bottle of milk and a sippy cup of apple juice—obviously he lost).

On Halloween I took Peter trick-or-treating . Peter was very confused at the first house when they tried giving him candy, but by the third house he became a fan of getting things from people. We ended up going to about 15 houses; Peter just kept walking and pulling me to down the street (more candy for me!). Once we got home he promptly dumped his loot out and organized it. He really didn't understand that it was candy but thought that people had given him lots of small colorful toys. First he sorted the candy on our living room coffee table then moved them up to my room. He laid the candy out in a line on Ryan's side of the bed and left (fortunately for Ryan and me, Peter has not remembered his candy).

Oh, I had to include a picture of Peter on Halloween 2007. What a cute farmer!


  1. What an adorable "puppy". All the pictures made me think of years with my kids. We always had the rule when the kids dumped their loot to check out what they collected that I got half. It has been a great tradition and made them go to as many houses as possible because they knew they had to give up half of it. Of course I only took the chocolate candy.

  2. He is such a cute kid, and I really do mean that or I wouldn't bother putting it into ~every comment.
