Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oops...Don't Play With That

Recently I was going through some boxes to help dejunk and organize my house—not an easy task with a toddler who has his own ideas of where things belong (does anyone else keep their spatulas on a shoe rack?). In one box I found a desktop punching bag I had given Ryan several years ago as a stocking stuffer. If you flick it says 4 different phrases: 1) You're Fired, 2) Make My Day, 3) Back Off, and 4) You Jerk. It's pretty lame even for a $3 gag gift (hence finding it a box). But since Peter doesn't have a clear grasp of what is cool and what is lame yet, he loves it. He's been carrying it around the house for a few days now.

But tonight I robbed my sweet son of his new companion and evidence of poor taste, by throwing it away (yes, I know I'm the one with the poor taste because I'm the adult who actually paid money for it). I just had this awful thought that even though Peter can't talk yet he might somehow bust out with one of those 4 phrases. Wouldn't it be awesome to record in Peter's baby book that his first words were "You Jerk!" Or wouldn't I love to hear him yell "Back off!" to his pediatrician or tell his nursery leader, "You're fired!" Yep, I certainly couldn't let that happen—I must at least retain the appearance of being a good mom.


  1. Isn't it amazing how the lamest item will be so exciting to a little boy. But you are right, what would grandpa think if he gave Peter an awesome dump truck for Christmas and Peter said, "You jerk!"

  2. Peter is way to smart to say that to me, but when he is in his teen years I will probely hear it many times. His is just like his mother, he realy like the same things that Kristin likes.
