I've been hesitant to share my new favorite thing on my blog because whenever I talk about it I start gushing like a 13-year-old girl blathering about Edward from Twilight. I was worried that by adding extra letters to my words ("sooooo"), capitalizing every other word, never capitalizing "I", and using "like" and "totally" 12 times in 1 sentence (if I even bother with punctuation) that I would lose the respect of my readers. Then I realized two things: 1. I have few readers; and 2. You probably don't respect me anyway. So here is my post about my new favorite thing.
OH MY GOSH! i like totally love my new hair straightener its sooooo AWESOME and freakin hot! It makes me like so SAD that not everyone has one i mean just girls because DUH like why would boys need one unless they have like totally frizzy hair, ewww! My straightener is like the best thing EVERRRRRRR! Seriously, it has like changed my life, i LOOOOOVE it!
Okay, now that that is out of my system I can revert to my regular intelligence (a 15-year-old?). I got a new hair straightener (flat-iron) as an early Christmas present from Ryan (well, he paid for it). My old $27 Wal-Mart special straightener has never been very good (or straightening) so I've been wanting a new one for a long time but could never justify buying one. And while I don't need a straightener to straighten my hair (it's about as curly as pine needle) I do need one to depoof it. I have a ton of hair; for about the past 18 years I hear the same thing everytime I get my haircut, "Wow, you have soooo MUCH hair!" (No, I don't have 13-year-olds cut my hair.) Plus my hair is relatively coarse, so when you add the coarseness to the thickness I've got a bush on my head. I think hairstylists sometimes spend more time actually thinning my hair than cutting it into a style. So combined with a good blow dryer job, a straightener performs miracles by easily flattening my hair (or more accurately lessening the poodle effect). Unfortunately, I'm never able to acheive the same results that my hairstylists do; I've always chalked that up to my lack of skill and patience. It takes too much time to subdue this mane of mine and because my hair is as perky and persistent as a girl scout selling cookies, my hair usually poofs backs up a few hours later.
I've recently started having my friend Trianna do my hair (she is amazing) and complained to her (something most friends do together) about my poofy hair. She suggested I get a new straightener. After taking 2 seconds deciding to use her advice as my much needed reason to get a new one I asked her for her help. She generously picked a high-quality straightener out for me and then bought it with her professional discount. (This is Ryan's easiest Christmas gift for me ever; he just had to reimburse Trianna!) Well, I've been using it for a few days now and I am totally in love. It is so awesome the way it quickly wrangles my unruly hair into nice smooth locks of luscious hair. And the results last. Yep, my straightener is my new favorite thing and for good reasons.
(If you are wondering why I haven't included a picture of my gorgeously flat hair with this post, you do not know me at all.)
Update: After much pressure from Ryan I've decided to post photos of my hair (he says it is cowardly and dishonest to not give proof of my new favorite thing). So here are 2 not-so-good photos that give an idea of my hair; they were the best I could do.
I'm in desperate need of a new flat iron. So you need to give me a few more details... make/model/price etc. I have an old sucky one too. I have the too much hair problem also. And I very rarely can get it to look right with just a round brush and blowdryer.
ReplyDeleteWell, sorry Kristin, I was wondering why we didn't get to enjoy a picture of your straight hair. It's o.k. to show off sometimes.
ReplyDeleteHave Peter take the picture.
I need make/model info as well! Shame for gushing about your favorite item and then denying the details.
ReplyDeleteI so don't recognize you in that second photo.
And I hear ya on the, "You're hair is so thick!" comments. I go in for a hair trim and end up with more hair on the floor than most people have on their heads. :\
Sorry, here's the info! It's GVP Ceramic Flat Iron. Regularly it is $69.99, but right now it's on sale for $59.99 at Sally Beauty Supply (the sale's at the store and their website. My friend said it's the best one for the money and so far I've been pleased.
ReplyDeleteI completely understand Kate. I think I probably blowdry my hair right once out of 20 times!
Janell, maybe I'll have to visit you in Austin so you can recognize me!
Do they maker a buffer? thats what I need.Try using your new tool on Peter.
ReplyDeleteKristin, you look awesome. And what were you telling me today that you were a boring writer and didn't do a good blog. I love your posts, and your wit really comes through. You do a great job. Don't give up, in fact do more! (claudia)