Monday, January 5, 2009

First Day of School

Peter started school today. Wait a minute! How old is that kid? He can't possibly be old enough for preschool already! At the suggestion of Peter's doctor, Ryan and I have been thinking for several months about placing Peter in an early preschool but were concerned about finding a quality one that would help Peter with his Austism Spectrum Disorder. Fortunately, the Early Intervention service that helps Peter has an early education center on site. So after discussing it with his EI team we decided to have him go there. So now my little will-be-2-in-February-boy is going to preschool for 5 hours a week. Peter will go 2 hours on Mondays and 3 on Wednesdays.


  1. How did he do today? Did he have a good time? Is it a mixed regular/special ed preschool? I love the picture of him!

  2. He is growing up too fast, not a baby anymore. You are so fortunate to have access to good/quality services. It will make all the difference as Peter grows up.

  3. Did he act lick his mom on his first day? I hope not. His had a blast riding in my truck the other night.

  4. Mom says Peter needs me to go to school and learn how to spell.

  5. He is TOO cute. TOO cute. I love his new animals too. What a great toy. And I'm so behind... I just NOW noticed your straight hair pictures. Gorgeous! It is SO not poofy. I have got to get myself one. My birthday IS in a couple of weeks.
