Sunday, August 30, 2009

Third Time is NOT a Charm

When I was pregnant a few years ago, a friend of mine asked how I was doing. I told her that I couldn't complain, inducing a head shake a small smile from her. She then chided me saying, "Kristin, just because someone else's situation sucks more than yours, doesn't mean yours doesn't suck. You can still complain; it's okay." So, even though I know that the current events of my life are far from the worst things imaginable, they are still grey and I'm going to complain about them. I apologize in advance for the whiny rambling.

Last Tuesday (the 25th), I was supposed to have my first prenatal appointment with my OB/GYN. There I was going to see my little 9-week lima bean. Instead I saw an empty uterus on the ultrasound screen and watched as the doctor removed remnants of the sac from me. As soon as I knew I was pregnant I tried to be cautious and reign in my excitement. But each day it became harder as I began thinking of a very real and very alive baby that I would have in the spring. This was something I wanted so much I couldn't help but be happy. Now I'm angry, confused, hopeless and completely depressed.

I feel like such a failure. Why is it so hard for me to have a baby? It took just about 2 years of trying before I became pregnant with Peter. As anyone who has dealt with it knows, infertility is emotionally awful. Every pregnant lady you see is a reminder that she has something you don't have. And it seems like such a simple thing to get pregnant, just basic human workings. I mean if a 14 year old girl can get pregnant because she's too dumb to prevent it, why couldn't I. But the seemingly impossible happened and I did get pregnant. I wondered how my fertility would be after Peter. I told Ryan that I felt like it was going to be much easier to get pregnant the 2nd time around. And I was right. I've been pregnant 3 separate times in the last year. I never imagined that I would actually have no problem getting pregnant, but that the issue would be staying pregnant.

Now I've just had my 3rd miscarriage in less than a year (2 confirmed, 1 highly probable). The first 2 were both before I was 6 weeks along so I was foolishly optimistic once I hit the 6 week mark with this one. And when I passed the 8 week point I honestly thought I was out of the woods. Then 3 days later I started spotting. After 2 days of spotting, mild cramps,a backache, and several panicked phone calls to my doctor I decided to go to the hospital just to check what was going on. So at 10:30 on a Saturday night (the 22nd) I watched as the ultrasound tech tried to find my baby's heartbeat and knew that things were not right. After all the tests were done, the ER doctor. told us that he couldn't really tell us what was going on. I might be having a miscarriage, I might not. They found enough positives to give him hope, but there were enough negatives to make him worried. I went home with instructions to stay flat and take it easy and call my doctor on Monday morning.

Sunday started out fine but by the evening I could tell that I was no longer in the threatened miscarriage stage. I'll spare you the details but the intense pain (so much worse than I'd experienced before) and the amount of blood left no doubt to what was happening. This continued throughout Monday and Tuesday. When I saw my doctor Tuesday morning he wanted to check to see if I needed a D&C because I had only passed very small clots. Within a minute of starting the pelvic exam he quietly asked the nurse for a few things and then told me I should look away. And because I'm an absolute idiot I'm looked as he placed a golf ball sized fetal sac into a container. Apparently the sac had made its way down and so the doctor was able to easily retrieve it. Now I have this terrible image in my head that I cannot get rid of.

So now I'm just dealing with the aftermath. The physical pain finally went away a couple of days ago and I wish it hadn't. For one thing it's much easier to focus on bodily pain than it is to deal with emotions. And secondly I am so upset with my body right now that I feel like it deserves the pain. I know it is completely illogical but I hate my body right now. I know that we don't know why this happened but I still feel so much anger towards my body like it's its fault. And then of course that spills over into my general attitude about myself. What is wrong with me? It's easy to be level headed and smart when thinking about other peoples' fertility problems. Do I think someone is terrible because she can't get pregnant? Do I think a woman is pathetic and a failure because she has miscarriage? Absolutely not! But it's different when it's about me. I can't stop my feelings of frustration and hurt from dictating my thoughts right now. I feel like a complete screw up. I've failed at yet another pregnancy. I feel like I've failed Ryan because I can't give him the children he wants. I feel like I've failed Peter because I can't give him a sibling; at this rate he'll be 10 before another kid comes along (I never wanted my kids to be more than 3 years apart). I feel like I'm failing myself because I want to cry all the time and am hiding from everyone.

Life sucks sometimes.


  1. Thank you for this insight into the emotional pains of infertility. I wish there was something I could do or say that would make it a little less of a burden, but part of the horribleness of miscarriage is that there's nothing that can be done to make it all better. Life does suck sometimes.

  2. Kristin - this made me so sad to read this. I'm so sorry! I'll keep you in my prayers. :)

  3. I've been trying to think of what to say but I still don't know. What can be said? It's a horrible, heartbreaking situation. Our culture doesn't have a good way of acknowledging the loss of miscarriage; it tends to gloss over it. But you're entitled to grieve the loss of this eagerly-awaited baby.

    The whole thing sucks and it isn't fair. But it also isn't your fault. Remember that a lot of people love you.

  4. Kristin, I feel so much pain in your post. While I know the bitter pain of infertility, I have not had to experience the grief of miscarriage (let alone three). Every feeling you described is understandable & I hope you allow yourself time to grieve. You guys are all in my thoughts. We love you!!!

  5. Kristin my heart breaks for you. I just sent you an email. . . check it out when you get a chance.

  6. I love you, Kristin! I'm sorry you have to go through this. I am here if you need ANYTHING!!!

  7. I didn't plan on crying today! I have no idea why these things happen, epescially to people who are dying for more children. I am always here too.

  8. It is really hard to understand why some have to have these types of experiences. They are difficult, depressing and just plain suck. Know that we love you and you and your family are in our prayers. I wish I were there to tell you dirty joke to make you laugh.

  9. Love this quote:
    "For whatsoever from one place doth fall, Is with the tide unto another brought: For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought." Spenser

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. But Kristin, I really really believe it will turn out ok for you. I have a fifth sense about these things and I haven't been wrong yet. :o) Hang in there. Have faith. And know that I am sending you peace from St. Louis. Love you.

  10. Kristin. I am so sorry for your pain and loss. Kent and I have been traveling the agonizing road of infertility for 26 months now. Our fertility specialist says we are "young, healthy, and completely capable of conceiving." Despite this would-be encouraging news, we can't seem to get it right for anything. I could feel much of your pain as I read this post, and I agree that the emotional pain is beyond description, downright awful and tormenting. Kent and I sure miss seeing you and Ryan, and I haven't seen Peter since he was barely a newborn. We miss you guys. You will be in our prayers. Someday we will look back and probably understand why we had to go through these things. But until then, I'm with you that life sucks sometimes and the pain of it all is more than anyone can really handle. My heart goes out to you.

  11. I know this is kind of late to comment, but I wanted to send my best wishes and positive thoughts for a successful pregnancy! I had a miscarriage before Emerson and immediately panicked that I was never going to have kids since the women in my family often have multiple miscarriages in their past. Obviously I went on to have two kids, but I'll never forget the emotional pain of that loss. I wish our society talked more openly about miscarriage so women going through it might feel less shame and loneliness. After mine, several women in my life confided that they had been through the same thing. I couldn't help but wonder why this was the first time I was hearing about it. Thank you for sharing so honestly - I'm keeping you in my thoughts!

  12. I just happened upon your blog. I feel pain in reading this. I hope you can find peace. But please know that you are not a failure. Things in this world mess stuff up, an d what we are created to do is no longer as easy as it should be. Aspartame is one thing that can cause infertility but there are many others. A Wild Yam supplement may also help, google it and you can see.
    All will work out in the end. Remember God knows you intimately, you are not alone, He does know and feel your pain.

  13. I am so sorry for what you are going through I have had 2 D&C's and lost twins and I know the emotional pain you must be suffering, lots of tears heartache , frustration, so many questions that can't be answered... There is an EXCELLENT book my bishop gave me after I lost my twins that helped a ton and maybe it would help you! Its titled "Gone too Soon" - the life and loss of infants and unborn children- by Sherri Devashrayee Wittwer. Its only 97 pages, an easy read and can be found at most deseret book stores. Its from an LDS perspective and its wonderful. It helped me have a lot of peace! My prayers and thoughts are with you!
